The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) is a categorized index of Internet search engine queries designed to uncover interesting, and usually sensitive, information made publicly available on the Internet. In most cases, this information was never meant to be made public but due to any number of factors this information was linked in a web document that was crawled by a search engine that subsequently followed that link and indexed the sensitive information.
I couldn't find an option anywhere that allows me to change this default username/password or disable SSH. (If someone does, you are most welcome, because this SSH access is quite useless otherwise.) Nor did I find any official documentation anywhere that mentions about this SSH feature or the default credentials. (If someone does, please put a link here)
D Link Dsl 2750u Firmware
Apparently, the ssh-access is a left-out feature that exists only in some firmware versions in some older D-Link DSL routers. If someone else is able to confirm this works for them, please put your router model and firmware version here.
Firmware is the term for the software that runs on your router. Because after all, a router is also a computer. Like any software, firmware can have bugs, and it is occasionally updated. However, updating your router's firmware is a bit different than updating your computer's software. Follow the instructions below to update your router's firmware. They are easy to follow.
Before you start, you must determine which version of firmware your router is currently running. To do that, you must log in to your router. RouterCheck can give you detailed instructions for logging in to your router.
Visit the router vendor's website to investigate downloading newer firmware. Look through the download section for your router model to determine the latest firmware version. Click here for the vendor's support site, where you can download firmware.
If your router is already running the latest firmware, you do not need to do anything else. If not, then download the latest firmware version to your computer. Ensure that you download the exact firmware that your router needs. Important: The firmware must exactly match the router model. In addition, the router models often also have revision numbers that must match.
Return to your router's interface in the browser window that you opened previously. Open to the administrator page and see how to update the router's firmware. Typically, this will be an edit box with a browser button that enables you to select the firmware image that you want to update. Select the firmware that you just downloaded and start the process.
If you have done everything correctly up until now, the new firmware should be loading into your router. Do not turn off the power to your router until the process is complete. Perhaps it's time for a break. Take your mind off of routers and sing a little song. We recommend G.T.O. by Ronny & The Daytonas. It's about the right length of time for a router update.
The chap looked through the firmware, and noticed a function called "auth_check" (that text string was visible in the firmware binary data). So he decompiled it and noticed that at one point, the auth-check code was comparing data from the user's browser with the abovementioned "joelbackdoor' string (also visible in the firmware binary data).
On the 30th of October, D-Link published a support announcement and released a new firmware to patch five vulnerabilities that Harold Zang, Technical Security Specialist at Trustwave, identified on the DSL-2888A router. These security vulnerabilities could allow a malicious Wi-Fi or local network user to gain unauthorised access to the router web interface, obtain the router password hash, gain plaintext credentials, and execute system commands on the router.
I had the same problem with the OS X support and I contacted the d-link support centre in singapore. After a few weeks and a couple of follow ups, they were able to send me a firmware upgrade that now seems to work ok with OS X (did not do too much testing yet).So I would recommend you get in touch with the support centre there.
Wow, usually nobody reads my blog hehe, 13 comments is a record!! Some of these is pretty old, I'm sorry I only see them now end of January 2012 ^_^" , some of you probably won't ever return ^_^*" but I'll reply because I'm so impressed that people actually left comments!!@Rece22:To remove accounts, its actually pretty easy, my firmware bte is SE_1.00, you can see this on the top right corner of the router web interface.So to remove on SE_1.00, go to > Advanced tab (top) > Storage Service (left side navigation), > Go to User Accounts > On that page and simply check the accounts you want to delete and hit the "remove" button at the bottom!
@Channu's BlogHey there, actually yeah, its not secure, anybody can access the information, on Windows, the password is not necessary at all when you want to browse the volume. And if you connect the storage device directly to a Mac or Windows, the whole volume can be browsed no password needed. This is a very basic file server, as basic as it gets looks like. And its still read-only on the Mac, no official firmware updates available from D-Link.
@VicterUpdate the firmware to SE_1.01 (originally its 1.0). It makes my whole post above obsolete, you access the root of the device by default.First update the firmware, you'll have to redo all settings including your internet ISP settings, backups from 1.0 won't work on it. Once that's done, check the Router UI for your device name at Advanced > Storage Service > Storage Device Info, for example when I plug in my usb device it is listed as "usb1_1"Lastly, access it from any Windows window with that name, this is my address for example:"\\\usb1_1"Login username is admin and password admin, I don't see a way to change that at the moment.
i found something interesting for mac usersif you change the download directory of your p2p software like uTorrent to the usb on your dlink router, its able to write it!this way you can connect a big storage disk to your router, download torrents on it through your system, and access those files on your network or on your smart tv!
bought this modem 2 days back and was struggling to get the usb drive working and came across this post.. Couple of differences that I came across:1. I am on firmware IN_1.082. I dont have a Storage Service menu at all; instead I have a SAMBA option, inside which there is a Enable USB checkbox.3. The username is hardcoded (greyed out, cant be changed) to root4. I changed the password to blahblah and hit apply.. Note that this is different from the admin-admin access for the router itselfnow, when you key in \\ and are asked for the login details, i provided the below:username: \rootpassword: blahblahand it worked like a charm, showing me usb1_1, and click on it, and voila! you have access to your usb drive..hope that helps the newer buyers who have SAMBA instead of "storage Service"
Hi,I am not able to access the USB drive in Dlink DSL-2750 .\\\u_disk\usb1_1\While trying to access its giving me a pop-up window to enter username and password.I tried entering default user namr password: admin Please guide me how do I access the USB drive without entering any User name or passwordI am totally zapped which user name or password to enter.I havent setup any a/c on admin panel.I really get to work this as I am tired of connecting USB drive or Hard-drive to my laptop.Please respond to me!It will be great if you could share the email id with me so that I can share the screenshot.Many thanks in advance.Cheers!
I have Dlink 2750u. Like to know how can I enable dlna streaming.On my previous DSL modem+router! I used to stream YouTube videos to smart tv. Now after this dlink modem.. I cannot find the stream button.
1. I am on firmware IN_1.082. I do not see Storage Service menu at all; 3. Go to SAMBA option, inside which there is a Enable USB checkbox.3. The username is hardcoded to root4. Changed the passwordgo to explorer and map network drive type \\\usb1_1 and give login as root and will connect....
I have dsl 2750U and firmware version is IN_1.09Gude me i have 2 tb hdd of WDRouter works on pen of 16 gb but hdd doesnt.The settings show SAMBA and already enable all storage service.
even if this router is so old, your post just made my day. I've been trying to map the USB drive for ages, never got it to work. On WIN10 mapping to \\x.x.x.x\public after turning on the Storage Device sharing in the router setup did the job!!!I'm on firmware IN_1.10 and I don't have the SAMBA server feature but apparently that's not needed.Thanks a lot folks!
DD-WRT is the most popular Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware, it is suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities within the framework of the respective hardware platform used.
ROOter has been available since April 2013 and has proved to be a popular download for improving routers. In 2016 there were 252,000 firmware downloads of ROOter images. Since its inception there have been over 500,000 firmware downloads of all the different ROOter versions.
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